There is no harm in trying a couple methods out before calling a professional. The following tips will give you some strategies to try before you call the exterminator. Continue reading.
Start from where the starting line is. Try to keep the pest from eating, and you can starve it out. Pests are in the house because they have access to food, water and comfort. Leaks, entry points, and food scraps need to all be eliminated.
Never buy a home without a thorough pest inspection first. Many pest problems go undetected upon an initial inspection. Only by living in the home will the problem become apparent.
Be sure the screens in your home are in good repair to keep out flying pests. The windows and screens keep out both flying and crawling bugs. If your screens have holes in them, then you should immediately repair them so that you prevent any kind of bugs from entering.
When you put bushes around your house, put them about 12 inches away from your home at minimum. Many types of insects call this brush home. If you put the bush close to the house, you will be inviting them in.
Seal off any cracks or openings in your home. Use a good caulking material and be thorough. A lot of the time these places are seen as an entrance to pests that are looking for a new place to live. Seal these cracks and place some orange oil or poison to keep the pest away.
If you routinely collect recyclables, be certain they are always well-rinsed. One specific item that is very important to thoroughly rinse and clean is soda cans with a high amount of sugar. Make sure that you rinse all of the soda out so when you put it outside or in your garage it is clean.
Drains often attract pest. Give your drains a monthly cleaning using either a drain snake or drain cleaning chemicals. Pests love to feast on the mold that can grow inside a clogged up drain.
Check your walls and foundation for cracks. As the years wear on a house there will be cracks or fissures in the structure. Many pests are small enough to slide through these cracks and enter your house. Check your ceilings too. Pests reside in small cracks within the ceiling at times.
Ask your neighbors to help with the pest problem. In urban settings, if your neighbor has a pest problem, you will have a similar one. Even if you had taken care of it at your own home, if these pests live in the house next door, they are able to go back to your home. Share tips with your neighbors and let them use your products if they do not seem ready to take action.
By applying the knowledge from this piece, you can make great strides in your pest control issue. Use these tips and make sure you select methods adapted to the kind of pest you are dealing with. Once gone, you’ll be so glad you learned how to get rid of the pests!